But its now to stop think lowly of video games. In today’s topic, I will share my experience and my knowledge about the benefits of playing video games.
Do you think playing Counter Strike just about to kill other players? Or do you think that playing Ragnarok Online will only waste your money to pay for the subscription fee?
Not at all, we actually learn many things from playing video games (selling zeny or poker money for real-money is out of topic)
1. Video games enhance creativity of the gamers from the way they think and create graphics, design, and technology. The era of video game is changing rapidly, and video game developers and designers create new features and better graphics. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is one example that video game’s technology and creativity are improving a lot(Frostbite engine). This could be the benchmark for future video games technology.
2. It’s better than watching television. Why? Watching television is a passive activity which you only download information. While gamers can actively participate to solve problems, create decisions or strategies, react fast to conditions, and improve hand-eye coordination. The Sims 3 brings players to a new gameplay from any other games. Players are actually given the freedom to take action and solve problems. Even in the in-game jobs, some event will bring players to choose an action which might bring them to promotion, or worse things.
3. Video games actually provides education. It improves gamers language skills, math skills, economy skills, and many more. Some of the story and scene are taken from real-life event and real-world places which helps gamers to improve their history knowledge level. Great example is from Assassin’s Creed 2 which players travel to cities, like Venice, and able to learn about historical buildings or characters. The game provides information about the game’s environment, and eventhough that players do not actually use that kind of educative feature, but I am sure that you Google something and you find out something.
4. Playing video games does not mean that you are isolated from the society. “Hey kid, why don’t you go out and play with your friends rather than staying alone in front of your PS3?” says your father. Which you can reply, “I am sorry, Dad, I have a community in video games which is called Playstation Network that can connect players to play and communicate with them from all around the world". Or take the example of MMORPG games like World of Warcraft or Lost Saga if you are pissed with the PSN problems. Singleplayer and multiplayer game modes actually have communities and they interact each other. It’s not only about that you are connected to the internet and play with others in multiplayer mode, but its also about that you feel other people have the same interest with you. You can share experience with them, ask question, or just chit chat via forum or gather in real life. That’s a social activity!
5. Leadership and teamwork experience! If you are asking me, “What is the benefit of playing Counter Strike?”. Counter Strike, or any other games like Call of Duty: Black Ops, Battlefield, Left 4 Dead, or MMO(RPG) actually gives the opportunity for players to create teams or guilds and learn how to achieve victory by working together. One of the team member has to become the leader which trains him/her leadership skills. And for the whole team members learn how to work together to improve their teamwork skills.
6. It’s relaxing and fun.. Think about this, you have just been scolded by your boss over a silly problem. During lunch time, you spilled your coffee and wetted your new jeans. You were about to finish your work, and there was a blackout, and you haven’t save your file. You could not continue your work, and you decided to go home. There was an accident on your way home, which took 4 hours long just to arrive at home. You got home, and you found your mail full of billings. Your dog pooped at your front yard, and a bird flew over and sh*t on your car’s glass. There is nothing better to do than sitting on your comfy chair with a cup of hot chocolate and start to play a video games to recover from your stress and pressure. Relax.. Shit happens.
These are the benefits that I actually have experienced which conclude that playing video games is not as bad as other people think. Enjoy playing video games, it’s fun and educative. You can find new friends, or laugh while another player do something stupid. Video games is dynamic and improves very fast which is an interesting topic to be discussed. Interesting subject to be improved. And interesting activity to do. This is Motion Ape, signing out! Have fun gaming!
*Inspirational Video*
You're awesome.
Great ! I have read about the disadvantages of playing video games so far but this is really good to know that video games do also offers benefits. I am happy to learn about these benefits.
clock video for kids
In My opinion the first one the player learn from playing action video games that the problem solving method and the attitude that says...keep on playing.
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