Eden Eternal is a 3D anime-style MMORPG that is published by Aeria Games. Aeria Games has been publishing many MMORPGs these days and they are worth to play.
Eden Eternal has a cute graphic (but not girly) and has a unique job transformation system. In the character creation, you can only choose 1 from 2 types of jobs which are Warrior and Magician. There is also a race system, but we can only pick the Human race for the time being. You can also pick the jobs listed there, but its preview only. Give your character a name and you are ready to go.
A story behind Eden Eternal is that you, as the main character, was born from a Crystal, and your journey starts in a small village named Andrew Village. Players will have to do some beginner’s quests and fight some easy enemies. You will learn many things about Eden Eternal from the quests you take. You can also grind, but I recommend you to follow the main quests. Later in the game, you will also obtain a dog (whether Battle or Magic Dog is up to you). This dog will help you primarily in looting items. It will automatically run into an item that the monsters (which you have just killed) drop. Travel from city to city, explore the field, and raid a dungeon and bosses with your friends. The map is quite big and no need to have ‘loading screen’ that many so it will take some time to run from one region to another, or you can use warp for an instant travel, but you have to pay for some silvers. And unfortunately, you will have to come to the city first and register it to use the warp.
I have mentioned about the unique job transformation system right? Yes, in Eden Eternal you can instantly change your job one to another (with a long cool down of course). The distribution of skill points are also separated one to another. But first, you will have to unlock those jobs before being able to ‘Transform’ by fulfilling the jobs’ base level and class level requirement. Players are able to learn their general skills by paying with money, and learn their class skills by using the Class Point.
The good points in Eden Eternal:
- Cute graphic
- Easy and simple interface
- Many quests to do
- Changeable job (unique class points and class level, use money to learn general skills)
- Big world to explore with dungeons around the region
- Many active players, it has 3 servers now and always busy in Channel 1
- Auto-route quest for those who seems to lost their way
- Only 2 jobs available in the beginning might cause confusion for new players (plus the jobs preview may make them think that they can choose it directly)
- Anti-bot system that pops up randomly during play time, well its good, but somehow not good..
- Small inventory at the beginning with so many items given
- Some supportive skills do not stack for a long time (like 15 seconds buff)
“I am still a warrior.”
“Changed to thief! Yay!
"Now I’ve changed again to bard, and ready to help you guys!
Eden Eternal is definitely a worth game to play. It’s free and it’s forever free (exclude if you want to purchase some Aeria Points to buy items from Item Mall). You will get the experience of a new game system and a new game world. I would give a 8 to 10 rating for Eden Eternal which also means I will continue and stay playing Eden Eternal.
Alright guys, that is all for Eden Eternal review for today in Motion Game! I hope you still stay tuned here even though I have took my absence too long. Enjoy the review, and happy gaming! Motion Ape out! 
I find the cute graphic holding me back from playing this game :(
You review is good but you should add more gameplay and technical aspect of the game.
One technical issue I found within the gameplay is how ridiculously bad the targeting system of this game. It's stupid that you automatically switched target if you got attacked by monster. Imagine you are playing a Cleric and you are healing your teammates but then you are suddenly attacked by random monster and have your target switched from your teammate to the monster. It disturb the overall healing process since you need to re-target your teammates every time you got hit by monster.
There are also other several issues such as you cannot stack activating skill so that the second skill is activated right after the delay/cooldown from using the first skill is completed.
Woww.. I really appreciate your comments. :) Thank you, and I found it correct that it really disturbs support-type players. I just knew it because I've just changed my job to Bard. >_< I will try to discover more on the gameplay and technical aspects of the game for my future review. Thank you! :D
Cool! I was looking for a new online game that I could play and this takes the cake. Not to mention, my friends have been talking about this game for quite some time. I just hope that I'll do well when I play this game.
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