Facebook Game - Restaurant City
Web-Based Game Review
Going to make a restaurant?
Want your friends to work with/for you?
You don't have money, ability to cook, manage, or bla bla bla..
It's okay,
Restaurant City! Brought to you by Playfish.
Pet Society? Who's got the biggest brain?
Who in facebook that don't know these games?
Those are very popular games in Facebook. Our lovely social website.
But, here, the newest thing from Playfish. It's Restaurant City...
Restaurant City gives you an opportunity to start your food business. You don't need billions of money, or tons of golds, you don't need a professional chef or even a natural cook's trait!!
What you need to do is, have your own account in Facebook and have the application, Restaurant City, or just ask your friend to invite you.

At the first time, you will be given some table sets and a stove. There is a mail box for you to read some mails, trades, and a quiz everyday. A menu book, to learn and upgrade your recipes. An award thingy that allows you to see your achievements in game. After you have those things, you must hire 2 workers from your friend list. Give them the job, and let them do the work. What you do, is wait, watch, and recharge your workers. The first job you have to give to your two workers are. A chef and a waiter. A chef is the one who does the cooking, and a waiter, is the one who does the serving and collecting money from customers.
Get your money, and your level, gain it up, and have a larger restaurant, and more workers, esp. when u are at level 8, you need toilets and a cleaner..
The other important thing in this game is, the workers energy, and the ingredients. Workers have it's own energy. from 100% to begging for rest at 0%. Workers need some rest, or you could give them drinks or foods, so they gain their energy back. As it's lowering, your workers performance is also lowered. So, pay attention with their energy. Another thing is ingredients. Food needs ingredients. It works for learning a new recipe, or leveling up your food level. How to get them? You can buy ingredients at the shop outside your restaurant. But, there is also a shortcut at the main bar below.
Start your own business. From a small restaurant, to a giant one!!
Start it now! And connected to your friends! Happy gaming!
This is Motion Ape, stay logged!!

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